July 26, 2011


It's that time again. It's much needed.

Things that make me smile lately:

1. Billie Holiday. I knew nothing of her life until recently. From her songs, I imagined it to be so innocent, but it was quite the opposite. It started and ended so sadly, and yet, in the middle, she made beautiful music.
2. Millie's birthday is less than a week away. I can't pretend there won't be some sadness, but I am so excited to bake and decorate and give her a wonderful birthday. I know she'll be too young to remember it. But she'll have 500 pictures of the day, showing her all the ways we made it special, and that's worth something.
3. I've got three awesome giveaways lined up for the next couple months. I can't wait to host them, because I think you guys will enjoy all three!
4. Speaking of giveaways, I just entered The Young Retiree's favorite things. That lady has good taste!
5. I'm about half way done with The Help. I usually run in the other direction from popular books (it sounds snobby, and maybe it is), because I just like old books so much better. I'm not a big fan of fiction, either. But this book has kept my attention and I've loved it so far. (I would have finished it sooner, if there were not a certain little girl to mother!) I wasn't aware it was going to be a book until after I started to read, but I'm excited to see the movie. Hopefully they do it justice.
6. It's been rainy the past couple days here. Sky actually had the windows open one evening. It's still July and it's still hot, but I'm hoping it's the end of 500 degree weather.
7. I've got to make a pink birthday cake, two flavors of cupcakes with sock monkeys on them, and sock monkey cookies. I'm not sure that this is a good thing, but it will make for an interesting night!
8. I'm thinking about chopping my hair to chin length after the ball. Maybe something like this.
9. Catching up on the day's blogs. Always a good time.
10. And, as always, you guys. The prayers, the comments, the kindness. Love you!

4 kind comments from you:

Mrs. H said...

What a great random list! :D
I'm sure you'll make Millie's birthday super great, giveaways sound so cool, and the help...I can't wait for the movie!

Good luck and prayers to all! :)

beka said...

sock money cake---eee! that's going to be so cute!

that haircut is going to look SO good on you. hair change is a lovely thing, i say. ever had it that short before??

i AM going to read the help...sometime this summer. i AM.

Skinnie Piggie said...

I'm reading The Help too! I've wanted to cut my hair off for a long time to do locks for love, because I'm too chicken to do it for/by myself... my hair has been this long for like 8yrs =/

Anonymous said...

Billie Holiday is WONDERFUL! Ahhh!

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