December 17, 2010

Days 16 & 17

16 Prompt: Friendship. 
How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year?
Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst? Author: Martha Mihalick

17 Prompt: Lesson learned. 

What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? 
And how will you apply that lesson going forward? Author:Tara Weaver

The prompt for the 17th...hmm. I think to write about something I've learned recently would be extremely redundant. So, let's go back to the 16th.

Ah, friends. I've thanked you before- you in a general way. Here is the specific way, the sudden burst:

To Katie; you are the long distance friend who has never let it feel long distance. You are nothing short of amazing. If you were a boy, I'd smooch you.

To the two milspouse bloggers who took time out of PCSing and/or raising kids to write me sweet notes of encouragement, and were kind enough to share their own stories with me. You give me hope.

To a newer follower, Beka from Hold On, Love...your comments are fabulous, and I have a feeling we'd be best buddies in 'real' life.

To Dena and Kim, friends for years and years- part of my love of Champaign is my love of you. You guys are great.

To Michelle at The Annoyed Army Wife- thanks for your encouragement on these Reverb10 posts! We'll get through them!

To everyone who reads my silly blog- whether they are subscribers or not, whether they ever comment or not- I'm absolutely humbled and amazed that you take time out of your life to check up on mine. You're the best.

1 kind comments from you:

beka said...

Ahhh, how sweet!
I know. I love it when you come across someone who seems to be someone who'd be awesome in "real" life. Sheesh. Too bad we all live so far away from each other.....ah well.

hugs! hope all is well, or on its way to being well, with you in OR.

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