"At no other time (than autumn) does the earth let itself be inhaled in one smell,
the ripe earth; in a smell that is in no way inferior to the smell of the sea,
bitter where it borders on taste, and more honeysweet where you feel it touching the first sounds. "
— Rainer Maria Rilke
— Rainer Maria Rilke
One of the first responses I had to my pregnancy with Walter was that I wouldn't take photos of him the way I have with Millie. I was promised that I wouldn't have any time or energy to pull out my camera. And while I don't have much time, and I certainly don't have energy, my Facebook friends will tell you that there is not a shortage of pictures. In the least.
Last week, the four of us ventured out to Millie's new favorite park, and took her 3 year photos and Walter's 3 month ones. I'm glad we waited until the brink of September tumbling into October. It was a gorgeous day with the slightest breeze, and the park was filled with sunshine.
While it's quite obvious they aren't professional shots, I still love them. Walter is so debonair, and Millie reminds me a little of Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird. I had two happy babies, great thrift store finds (Millie's plaid shirt and Walter's itty bitty corduroy pants), and a lovely afternoon. It doesn't get much better than that.

17 kind comments from you:
I just love these pictures, when you posted them on FB they melted my heart. :)
Oh I LOVE them Erika! Millie is such a doll- those curls remind me of Molly's, and I am just so impressed that she will sit and smile for you! And Walter? When did he lose all signs of newborn-ness? His outfit kills me and his expressions are priceless. So glad you're documenting them being this cute! I love your happy family!
Absolutely love these, they are perfect!!
No need for professional shots! These are great! Your daughter definitely hammed it up for ya! Love the personality shining through :)
Oh goodness. Their faces. They have the best expressions! I <3 them.
awe still some fantastic photos dear.
One word.. LOVE!
I love those cords, Walter! And Miss Millie is just getting so big! Great photos of some pretty great kids.
Great pictures! You have an adorable family!
Beautiful pictures! I love Millie's shirt and Walter's shoes!
Oh such gorgeous pictures! You'll treasure them always I know. And Millie does make a perfect Scout :)
Such precious pictures!
Oh my goodness. The SWEETEST.
awe so beautiful!
I just found your blog!
I a now following!
I look forward keeping up with your posts!
Too cute! I love the coordinating outfits, too. Is he sitting up on his own already?!
Walter looks like such a little ol' man in that first picture of him by himself haha
This is how what went through my head while reading this post: "Ooh, pictures! So gorgeous. Wow, that one would look great in a frame on the wall! Oh, and that one too! I just want to go to Illinois and have Erika teach me some photography skills and tell me what camera to buy. Wait, are these professional? I should go back and read the text to figure that out. Oh, they're not and she's harping on that? Pfft. Still need some lessons over here."
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