"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.
I still haven't finished my associate degree. Although I completed my first full time year of school this past spring, I have a few more classes left. I planned on going back this spring, but between the unanticipated exhaustion of being a new mom to two, and the news that Sky will be gone again for several months of Army training/school, it looks pretty unlikely. I'm disappointed, but I want to do what is best for Millie and Walter, and what is best for me.
However, that didn't stop someone from getting their degree...
You may remember that Millie got her degree two years ago- now, at 3 months old, Walter earned his too. There are a lot of fun parts to living in a college town, and one of them is the chance to participate in research for the University of Illinois infant cognition laboratory. They do a lot of little tests to see what kinds of social behavior babies expect, and which they're surprised by.
Walter aced his study, and went home with a diploma. Most college graduates can't boast getting a onesie when they graduate! So even though I may have a while to go before I have a degree to hang on my wall, I'm pretty impressed that my babies do already.

9 kind comments from you:
Such little overachievers! :)
This is super cool! I studied Child Development in college, so I just love it even more :)
Cute :)
So cute!! And Millie looks so proud holding hers. :)
So cute!!!!!
How cute! Yay for him!
That's cute!! Never knew that there was anything like that there
Look at those little overachievers haha
Yay Walter! So cute!
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