February 5, 2014

A Warmer Season

 "Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth 
find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. 
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- 
the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter." 
Sometimes, we dismiss the winter metaphors.

The ones that say, "Spring is coming. Soon, the cold days that open and close in harsh darkness will fade into sunlight. Soon, the birds will fly back to their branches and sing for you. Soon, the heavy clouds will break and the stars will be there, ready to shine. Soon, the scent of flowers and sight of lush greenness will make you forget the months of waiting and chapped cheeks."

The ones that whisper, "Be patient. Hold on." The ones that remind us how there will be goodness after the stark outlines of leafless trees and the gray cold that sinks into our bones. The ones that assure us there is a reason for the ache of it. There is a purpose in it all.

Sometimes, we brush them off.

But sometimes, we cling to that hope.

4 kind comments from you:

Jen said...

That photo is stunning!

Michelle said...

I had to read this twice in a row it was so good.

And what good is a snuggie without winter? ;)

Jamie said...

I was just going to write that I just read this three times over to let it sink in and then I saw that Michelle just said the same thing. The winter blues have hit me hard. I am going to read your post a few more times.

Kaylee said...

Yes. Clinging to the hope over here. It hasn't felt like winter where I live, but I still feel like I am in a winter season. Ya know? Loved this post a lot.

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