June 2, 2012

A Mutual Feeling


This week has gone by so quickly. I hardly had time to catch my breath with all the running here and there, the errands and obligations, and even the fun. Today was the first time in days that I have been able to curl up on the loveseat and watch a movie I picked from the library.

As the last song came on and the credits began to scroll down the screen, I felt the wind knocked out of me like I'd been pushed to the ground. Suddenly and swiftly, I missed him. Just like that. Just so quickly.

And I hesitate to write it, because training is such a small amount of time. I know it. Yet in small ways, it's different this time- different than the deployment, and different than all the other weeks away in summer and all the drill weekends.

Because every time Millie hears the main door to our apartment building shut, she hurriedly skips to our front door. She points, asking, "Daddy?" I keep saying, "No, baby. Daddy's still bye-bye." It's a routine she practices over and over throughout the day, and each time, I have to tell her no.

It was different when it was just me that wished him home.


10 kind comments from you:

Contemplating Beauty said...

TFE (tear filled eyes) oh my I can't imagine, but that is the most beautiful little story Erika! I can just hear her and see her, how how how precious...

xo thanks for sharing that with us.

Dilan Dilir said...

so beautiful :D

Chantal said...

I understand that feeling. Suddenly, when it's all quiet and the day is winding down, you miss them. Just like that!

Kaylee said...

Totally was different when it was just me missing my man. Now that they get when Daddy is gone, it's hard. Our Daddy is gone for awhile right now too, and just this morning L had started crying because she wanted Daddy. Poor thing - my heart can't even begin to fathom what a deployment would be like right now. Just thankful it's only a short time apart for us right now. Praying for you too!

Kathryn B said...

I think when the children finally realize they are gone it makes it so much harder. Lucas didn't really realize it until around Christmas time. It's heartbreaking to watch them miss someone so much! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Touched my heart!

Unknown said...

xoxo thanks for these glimpses into the kinds of sacrifices servicepeople AND their families make.

beka said...

oh my goodness, that would tear at my heart. <3

Katherine said...

Every time my cell phone rings my almost-two-year-old starts yelling "Dada! Dada!" at the top of her lungs. It is adorable, heartbreaking and well seriously problematic when it comes to actually hearing the person on the other end of the line.

lindsay said...

you are so bold and i'm always touched by your words, thank you for always being honest and true. and bytheway...those black`and`whites are gorgeous.

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